Christ Church Secondary School of Guyana, Alumni Association of New York, Inc


Upcoming Events - CCSS Barbeque

Mission Statement



Christ Church Secondary School’s Pledge - I pledge to always uphold the Motto and to obey all the School’s rules; To maintain integrity of my School; To participate in the planned activities; To use my talents to improve every aspect of myself and my School; To seek God’s guidance to develop fully my potentials in order to make valuable contributions to my School and society as a whole

-(Unknown Author)

History of our School

Did you know in August 1964, Christ Church was a Primary School? Prior to August 1964, some schools had both Primary and Secondary Departments. Some of them were Christ Church Primary, St. Ambrose Anglican, Kingston Methodist and St. George’s Anglican Schools. In September 1964, the PPP Government of Guyana, in an effort to promote free secondary education, had its first experiment.

In this experiment, the Secondary Departments of St. George’s Anglican Schools were merged with the Secondary Department of Christ Church Anglican, to form the presently known Christ Church Secondary School. This also meant that the Primary Department of Christ Church was dissolved, and the students of this Department were transferred to the Primary Departments of St. Ambrose, Kingston Methodist, and St. George’s Anglican Schools, based on their area of residence. Additionally, teachers from those aforementioned schools who were desirous of teaching at CCSS were given the opportunity to do so.

Some were the late William (Billy) Braithwaite, Charles Daniels and Desmond Saul from St. Ambrose; Edwy Ross, Robert Bobb and Olive Killekenny from St. George’s; George Stewart, Ms. McKenzie and Phyllis Crawford from Christ Church Primary.

These teachers began the journey with CCSS and were led by the then Principal, Basil Armstrong. In reflecting on CCSS’s history, few head-teachers who are important to mention are Mr. McDonald, Mr. Kendall (Shaft), Mr. Vieira, Ms. Mason, Mr. Stewart and Ms. Carr.

About Us

In 2003, the Alumni Association was formed becoming incorporated as Christ Church Secondary School of Guyana, Alumni Association (CCSSGAA) - New York, Inc., and led by its first President, Sean Skeffers. As an Association with 501(C)(3) status, transparency is driven based on guidelines to be met, not only by a governing Constitution and By-Laws, but also with annual tax reporting requirements to New York State. This Association is still in existence and currently makes donation to the upkeep of Christ Church Secondary School in Guyana. Donations in the past have included and are not limited to fans; electronic equipment; chairs for teachers; trophies, certificates, and needs for graduation, and home economics’ equipment.

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