Past Events

Take a look back at The Christ Church Alumni Association throughout the years


 2022 Events

CCSS Day Of Sports

51st Annual Legislative Conference in Albany, NY

 2021 Events

C.C.S.S Fire & Ice Ball in December, 2021

New York Alumni Chapter Treasurer Arlette Frank and Trustee Winston Bostwick Replacing the Tattered Flag of C.C.S.S in Guyana, April 2021; with the help of the HM of CCSS and Ms. Nicole Cole.


 2020 Events

 Pictures from Fundraising Brunch Sept 2020

Executive Committee Game Night, 2020

 Breakfast for Nursing Staff at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center. Pandemic 2020


 2019 Events

 CCSS Executive Committee, NY Catered An Appreciation Luncheon for Our Teachers in Guyana, December 2019

  New Executive Committee After A Meeting of the Minds

 Our President Kimberley Anthony and Secretary June Allison Dunbar making the rounds at other Alumni Association Christmas Parties. Central High School Christmas Party 2019